Exterior maintenance of each home in Livingston is perhaps the most important aspect of maintaining the value, architectural integrity and curb appeal of our subdivision.
For many homeowners, this is an area that reflects pride of ownership, while others may consider it an uninspiring chore. Regardless, the Livingston Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs) provide the requirement that the exterior of each home in the subdivision is to be maintained to a high standard.
Guidelines and Expectations
- To be kept mowed, edged and weeds controlled.
- To be healthy (fertilized) and full (no bare spots).
Shrubs and Trees:
- To be kept trimmed, healthy and appealing. Remove diseased, dying and/or dead shrubs and trees.
- Not overhanging or encroaching on sidewalks.
- Planting beds to be free of weeds, defined edges, and contain mulch (compost or bark preferred; dyed, rubber or other products not permitted).
- No clippings or loose branches permitted – must be contained in yard waste tote or otherwise removed from the property.
- Tree stumps to be ground to below the adjacent grade. Adding a berm to conceal a stump is not allowed.
House Exterior:
- House paint to be in good condition – not peeling or noticeably faded.
- Gutters to be cleaned so as to allow rainwater to drain through the downspouts, and therefore not overflowing along the gutter.
- Roof and exterior of house to be clean, free of moss and/or debris.
- Driveways and walkways to be clean, free of moss and/or debris.
- Siding to be maintained in good condition. Replace damaged siding with same material as originally installed by Buchan.
Sidewalks and Curb:
- The public sidewalk and curb are the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain.
- No weeds or moss in sidewalks or curbs.
Garbage, Recycling and Yard Waste Totes:
- For accessibility and general public consideration, please place totes on the street, not on the sidewalk.
- Totes must be removed by end of each pick-up day.
- Totes must be stored out of sight from the street or neighbors.
Exterior Clutter:
- Keep toys, tools, and “stuff” stored out of sight when not in actual use.
- Keep yard and patio furnishings, including pots, away from street.
Holiday Decor:
- Remove holiday lights and decor within three weeks after the holiday.